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“This program taught me how to live a healthier lifestyle.”

“Although I did not achieve my weight loss goals during the program, I am exercising more than I ever have before. My cholesterol was high before I started the program and now is in the normal range. The reality is that I am healthier now than I was before even though the number on the […]

“My instructor’s approach was very reasonable and realistic.”

“This program was fantastic. In my many years of weight loss attempts, I have heard many of these same concepts before, but this class put them in a better perspective and added more details. The sequence of classes is geared toward success. We met frequently upfront to get us started and then were “weaned” off the program […]

“Helped me build healthy habits.”

“By the end of the program, I lost 30 pounds and reduced my A1C. The yearlong program was long enough to help me build healthy habits and stick to them. Now I am always very mindful of what food I buy and eat, how many times I exercise per week, and calorie intake. The guidance […]

“My instructor managed to make a connection with us online…it really felt like a community that I wanted to be a part of and did not want to miss.”

“I wanted to thank my instructor for everything she taught me and the support during my time in the program. When my doctor informed me that I was pre-diabetic and needed to lose weight, I signed up for this program thinking that it would be just another program where we attended. From the beginning, the knowledge imparted was valuable […]

“My instructor and the program made a real effect on my life and health.”

“I have deep gratitude for my instructor’s excellent leadership and teaching skills during our Eat Smart, Move More, Prevent Diabetes class this past year! I really enjoyed the classes and my instructor’s caring contact during the year.  I got my blood test results back this morning and I was pleased as punch to learn that my A1C has gone from 6.5 for […]

“I ended up losing 18 1/2 pounds. I look slimmer.”

Below is a testimonial from an Eat Smart, Move More, Prevent Diabetes participant: “I started the program last March. I have always eaten healthy food but needed to lose some weight. I was hoping to eliminate my CPAP machine. I ended up losing 18 1/2 pounds. I look slimmer. I have always been an exerciser […]

“I feel good and my A1C is now 5.4. It was 6.3.”

Below is a testimonial from an Eat Smart, Move More, Prevent Diabetes participant: “Karen B. taught my class last year. I could not break my weight. I started at 169 and could not break my plateau at 159 or 160. I just needed to lose 2 lbs. I have used what she taught and now […]