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Focus on Having Fun

Just like eating nutritious foods and engaging in physical activity are good for us, having fun is another way to boost our health. Having fun can make us happier and may help lower feelings of stress. Think about times when you have felt carefree and fully engaged with an activity or group of people. Or […]

Stop Diabetes Before it Starts!

If you have been diagnosed with prediabetes or are at risk for developing type 2 diabetes, this program is for you. You CAN prevent type 2 diabetes. Eat Smart, Move More, Prevent Diabetes can help! Prediabetes is when blood glucose (sugar) levels in your blood are higher than normal, but not high enough to be diagnosed with diabetes. Insulin helps […]

Mindfulness Gives Us Options

As humans, we have the ability of metacognition, which is a big word that describes something most of us do every day probably without even noticing it–that is thinking about our own thoughts. Our ability to think about our thoughts allows us to practice mindfulness. Mindfulness is deliberately paying attention to the present moment without […]

Write it When you Bite It & Jot it When you Trot It!

Study after study indicates that tracking what we eat and how we move using an app or pen and paper is strongly linked to helping us achieve and maintain a healthy weight. Tracking is a critical piece to success and makes us more aware of our personal patterns which can inform healthy behavior changes. This […]

Embracing Wellness this Spring Season

April marks the onset of spring and two important observances dedicated to our overall well-being: National Move More Month and National Stress Awareness Month. These annual reminders allow individuals to prioritize their physical and mental health through mindful practices. National Move More Month serves as a timely reminder for individuals to incorporate physical activity into […]

Reducing Food Waste – Expiration Dates

At one point or another, we have all debated eating or throwing away a food product after the date on its label has passed. But do we need to throw away food as soon as the date on the label arrives? Oftentimes you will see the phrases “Best if used by,” “Sell by” and “Use […]

Be a Soup-er Star

When it begins to get chilly outside, one of the best ways to stay warm is with a hot cup of soup. Soups are a budget-friendly way to incorporate more vegetables into your day and there are many combinations of spices and flavors to try. We generally recommend avoiding cream-based soups like bisques and chowders […]

How to Say No

Often, we find ourselves juggling multiple commitments and obligations in our fast-paced world. It can be challenging to balance our personal lives, work, and social engagements. When friends or acquaintances invite us to events or make plans, it’s important to remember that it’s okay to say “No” especially when you genuinely can’t accommodate the request. […]

Quinoa, Broccoli, and Chicken with Peanut Sauce

Batch prepping and batch cooking can save you time and money as well as help you eliminate some areas of food waste. I don’t always have time to do this on the weekend but when I do it makes the work week so much less stressful. Batch cooking and prepping on the weekend allow me […]

Hot Weather Alert

Over the July 4th holiday weekend, residents across North Carolina and the country experienced record-breaking heat. I spent the weekend slathered in sunscreen, playing pickleball, and then cooling down in my community pool. When the summer temperatures reach the 90s, I like to keep some frozen bandanas in my freezer to put on when I […]