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Stop Diabetes Before it Starts!

If you have been diagnosed with prediabetes or are at risk for developing type 2 diabetes, this program is for you. You CAN prevent type 2 diabetes. Eat Smart, Move More, Prevent Diabetes can help! Prediabetes is when blood glucose (sugar) levels in your blood are higher than normal, but not high enough to be diagnosed with diabetes. Insulin helps […]

Is Chickpea Pasta a Good Option?

Chickpea pasta has been on the shelves for a few years now but is still a relatively new type of pasta that many of us may not be familiar with or may not have tried yet. It is a good option if you are looking to try a new type of pasta. It is also […]

Is it ok to eat a hot dog every now and then?

For most of us, we should strive to eat healthy most days of the week. However, “cheat” days are part of our lives and on some eating plans, encouraged. So what do you eat on splurge days? Pizza, pasta, hamburgers, sweets or hotdogs? Researchers from the University of Michigan School of Public Health, Department of […]

“I am no longer in the prediabetes range!”

Below is a testimonial from a current Eat Smart, Move More, Prevent Diabetes participant: I am just about to complete Phase I of the Eat Smart, Move More, Prevent Diabetes program. I have attended the Thursday evening class with Heather. She is an amazing teacher and motivator.  I joined this class not just to lose weight but […]

success story - Suzanne

“My instructor was a wonderful and positive teacher!”

Below is a testimonial from a past Eat Smart, Move More, Prevent Diabetes participant: It is hard to believe the year is almost over and the class is coming to an end. While my work schedule has prevented me from attending the classes live, I enjoyed and found a lot of value in watching the […]

success story - Jim

“I have lost over 20 lbs and my A1c has improved.”

Below is a testimonial from current Eat Smart, Move More, Prevent Diabetes participant: My instructor and the Eat Smart, Move More, Prevent Diabetes program have changed my life! And I’m 62, that’s kinda hard to do. I’ve lost over 20 lbs and my A1c has improved. My doctor was floored and wanted to know all […]

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Eat Smart, Move More, Prevent Diabetes featured on WSGE 91.7 Radio

Our program coordinator, Kelly, talked with For Your Health and Well Being on WSGE 91.7 radio. We invite you to listen to the interview to learn more about prediabetes and how our program can help support you and your health goals! Did you know that 1 in 3 US adults has prediabetes and most of […]