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Yielding from Unhealthy Food Temptations

Like many people battling with weight and healthy living, I struggle with saying “no” to unhealthy foods that simply look and sound delicious. Making wise and healthy food choices is a constant
battle. Changing the desire of eating avoid temptationsunhealthy food is difficult when there is temptation to eat unhealthy things everywhere you look. By seeing food for what it is designed to provide, my desire and urge to eat unhealthy has completely changed. I have been able to change my mindset by adapting two main concepts in order to avoid unhealthy temptations:


  1. Examine foods strictly for its nutritional value
  2. Learn and practice saying “no” to unhealthy foods without regret

Being mindful of choosing healthy options is an important first step. Like many, one of my biggest weaknesses has always been sweets. After learning simple food swaps for my typical sweets, such as fruit for dessert, I began to see a difference in not craving sugary and junk food as often. I was more mindful with my choices and weened myself off the feeling of needing something sweet after every meal. It is important for me to always have healthy options readily available to resist making regretful choices because of convenience. When my pantry and fridge only offer healthy options, it keeps me from being tempted by cookies or chocolate. That way, when I am starving and running to grab something, the first (and only) options I see are healthy ones.

We live in a culture surrounded by unhealthy eating choices. Fast food and other convenient eateries have captivated our families and conveniently fit into our everyday busy lives. These places are on almost every other city block on my ride home from work and on my way to the gym. Though the urge is there, I have had to practice saying “no” to these eating stops. I realized that those foods are often not worth the physiological harm. Also, eating these “quick fix” meals does not fully satisfy my hunger and usually provides me with little to no nutritional value. My saying “no” to unhealthy choices forces the idea of regret out of my mind knowing they can do more harm than good for my body. I feel empowered when I can say NO!

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