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Stretches You Can Do in Your Office

Regardless of whether you are working in an office or from home, you are likely to find yourself sitting for long periods of time throughout the day. While we could all benefit from moving more throughout the day, we could also benefit from stretching. Sitting for a long time places stress on our bodies, especially […]

Work From Home

Work from Home – Best Practices

By now, many of us have transitioned to working from home. This is a new experience for a lot of people and it can take some adjusting to find your work groove. When working from home, it’s easy for you to become your own worst enemy. Personally, I get the urge to procrastinate work work […]


How to Be More Productive at Work: Pomodoro Technique

I love learning about useful life hacks, and here’s a simple one that has helped me to de-stress and live more mindfully at work.  It’s a little strategy called Pomodoro and it has changed the way I tackle my endless To-Do list – for my health.  If you spend most of your work life at a desk, […]

healthy meal

Tips for Having Healthy Foods at Meetings

Perhaps you have attended a meeting or gathering that had food and drinks available, but the options were not the most nutritious. Most people consume a diet that is high in saturated fat and sugar, but low in fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Having healthier foods and drinks at all food-related events is possible and […]

working on laptop

Presenteeism in the Workplace

Have you ever found yourself fighting to stay awake or distracted during the workday because you failed to get a decent night’s sleep due to stress? Have you missed a deadline or made an error for a work project because of chronic pain or other symptoms that distracted or interrupted your work? Have you observed […]

Tips to beat sedentary habits

Sit Less, Move More: 10 Tips to Beat Sedentary Habits

The American workforce spends one third of the day at their workplace, oftentimes sitting at a desk, which has led to increasingly sedentary lifestyles. Studies show that sedentary lifestyles result in higher incidences of obesity and heart diseases among Americans. Sitting for long periods of time has also been associated with higher risk for developing […]

Challenge map

Results from the 2018 Holiday Challenge

The results are in! The 2018 Holiday Challenge was the largest and most successful Holiday Challenge since it began in 2006. There were more than 39,000 people who joined the 2018 Holiday Challenge, which is a 36% increase in participation from 2017. All 50 states, all 100 NC counties, and 27 additional countries participated. Click the map below to […]

Challenge taste test

The 2018 Holiday Challenge Taste Test

The annual (and free) Eat Smart, Move More, maintain don’t gain Holiday Challenge consists of many resources for participants, including healthy holiday recipes. And someone has to TASTE those recipes to make sure they are actually delicious and easy (and healthy)! Each year we hold a Taste Test to determine which recipes will be included in […]

lunch box photo

5 Tips to Purchasing The Best Lunch Box Ever

Congratulations, if you are purchasing a lunch box you are committed to taking your lunch. Good for you for preparing on Sundays, evenings or early mornings, grab and go, portioned healthy choices. Keeping your commitment to take healthy lunches includes picking the right lunch box. The next time you decide to treat yourself to a […]