Below is a testimonial from a current Eat Smart, Move More, Prevent Diabetes participant:
I just got back from my doctor’s office where I had my annual physical today. My blood work showed a huge improvement over a year ago. My HbA1C is now 5.6 and it was 6.0. This means that I no longer have pre-diabetes!!!
My blood pressure is 106/75, down from 120/80!!! And my total cholesterol dropped 30 points, was 235 now 205!!! The 10-pound weight loss is responsible for lowering my cholesterol, blood pressure, and blood sugar. I wish I could say I did something special or different from what was in our Eat Smart, Move More, Prevent Diabetes program, but I just followed its guidelines as best I could. The only thing maybe that helped more than most was: I try to eat a big plate of cooked broccoli and cauliflower before I eat my lunch or dinner. That cuts my appetite some because if what I eat following that is delicious, I usually want seconds (or thirds!). I am absolutely thrilled with the results. And so is my doctor. In fact, she said, “whatever you are doing, keep doing it.
– A.R., a current Eat Smart, Move More, Prevent Diabetes participant
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