It’s Thanksgiving! What a great time to give gratitude for family, friends, colleagues, and a support system that is absolutely crucial to keeping us upright…our core! Be sure to check out the plank modifications and challenges below to create a challenge that works for you.

My aerobics instructor shared that she was doing a Planksgiving Challenge…30 days of thanks and planks. Just to be team players, several of us offered to join her about a third of the way through the challenge. On day 1, you begin with holding a plank for 1 minute and incrementally work up to 5 minutes. I have been choosing the forearm plank, but everyone chooses the plank position that works best on an individual basis.
I have to say that the idea of holding a plank for 5 minutes is daunting, but we have gradually worked up to 3 minutes so far and while I am not comfortable by the end, it is not as bad as I thought that it would be. Doing it with the support of others and an upbeat song that lasts about the duration of that day’s plank is key!!
The challenge that we are doing is adapted from; however, I googled “Planksgiving Challenge” and about 564,000 results came up, so apparently there are many out there who are giving thanks to their abs.
Our Planksgiving 30-day Challenge* (feel free to adapt to your own personal fitness goals):
- Feel free to adapt to your own personal fitness goals. Adjust the times and modify as you see fit.
- Plank Modifications
- Place your forearms or hands on a stable chair or on the wall.
- Lower your knees to the floor.
- Plank Challenges
- Try a plank march, alternating the arm you begin with.
- Raise and lower one leg at a time while maintaining your plank position.
- Disclaimer: Individuals should seek medical evaluation and clearance from a doctor before beginning any exercise regimen. All activities should be carried out at a pace and intensity that is comfortable for the individual.
Day 1 – 1 min | Day 11 – Rest | Day 21 – 3 min, 15 sec |
Day 2 – 1 min, 15 sec | Day 12 – 2 min, 30 sec | Day 22 – 3 min, 30 sec |
Day 3 – 1 min, 30 sec | Day 13 – 2 min, 45 sec | Day 23 – Rest |
Day 4 – 1 min, 45 sec | Day 14 – 2 min, 45 sec | Day 24 – Rest |
Day 5 – Rest | Day 15 – 3 min | Day 25 – 3 min, 30 sec |
Day 6 – 1 min, 45 sec | Day 16 – Rest | Day 26 – 4 min, 15 sec |
Day 7 – 2 min | Day 17 – 3 min | Day 27 – 4 min, 30 sec |
Day 8 – 2 min | Day 18 – 3 min | Day 28 – 4 min, 45 sec |
Day 9 – 2 min, 15 sec | Day 19 – 3 min, 15 sec | Day 29 – Rest |
Day 10 – 2 min, 15 sec | Day 20 – 3 min, 15 sec | Day 30 – 5 min |
Happy Planksgiving!
*adapted from