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Avoid the Trap of Comparison

Even just a casual scroll through your social media feeds can trigger feelings of not being enough. With the prevalence of social media, it is so easy to become consumed with comparing oneself to others who appear to be living their best life. You may not even realize you are internalizing the messages on your […]

I’m Injured–Now What?

About a month ago, I broke my toe. It’s the big toe, and arguably the most important since it’s responsible for balance. I went from engaging in over 500 minutes of physical activity a week to maybe 100 minutes, severely restricted by my injury and a walking boot. Pre-injury, I enjoyed daily movement consisting of […]

Does Body Image Improve with Age?

*This blog post was authored by Dr. Carolyn Dunn and edited by Casey Collins We may think of negative body image as something that mostly impacts young people. As someone in their 60s who has experienced decades of society telling me what my body should look like I know that negative body image can continue […]

My Experience Using a Calorie Counter App

Perimenopause and menopause have had their challenges for me, including weight gain despite no change in diet or exercise. In addition, a baseline bone density scan performed last summer revealed lower than normal bone density in my hips. Needless to say, I became very motivated to lose weight, especially abdominal fat, and prevent further bone […]

Do You Clench Your Jaw? Try Face Exercises!

I naturally clench my jaw when I’m working or concentrating but a few years ago, I started to notice regular jaw tension and attributed it to higher stress levels–I guess a global pandemic will do that. I got a cheap drugstore night guard to protect my teeth at night but that wasn’t going to address […]

I gave up sugar, and this is what happened.

Okay, the title sounds a little extreme. I didn’t give up sugar ENTIRELY. I’m no martyr! But I cut way back on my sugar consumption and my life changed in ways I did not expect. And now I want to share my lessons learned with anyone who will listen. In a recent conversation with a […]

Adopt Flexible Thinking in 2023

It is the beginning of the calendar year and many people participate in the tradition of making New Year’s resolutions which typically involves changing habits or setting personal goals. Whether you choose to embark on new goals at the beginning or middle of the calendar year, we want to remind you that when setting goals […]

Shift Your Sleep Schedule

Sometimes it can seem like there is not enough time in the day to get everything done. Trying to fit healthy eating, movement, work, and all the other things that come up can seem overwhelming. One way to guarantee time for yourself is to shift your sleep schedule to wake up earlier. I know, I […]

Self Care Audit

You can’t pour from an empty cup so from time to time it can be essential to take a step back and make time to fill your cup. It can be beneficial to perform a self care audit to determine what activity you should prioritize. Keep your personal values, priorities, and obligations in mind, and […]

Having Fun is Good for Your Health

We are constantly looking for ways to improve our health. There are many scientifically-proven habits that tend to make us healthier. For example, we know that eating a variety of fruits and vegetables and engaging in regular physical activity are good for us. But, what about having fun? Having fun can make our day-to-day lives […]