Below is a testimonial from a current Eat Smart, Move More, Prevent Diabetes participant:
I started taking this class several months ago. I have learned so much about health and nutrition! The main changes that I have made after this class has been– eating wheat bread instead of white bread, drinking more water, trying to limit myself to only 1 soft drink daily, walking at least 2-3 times a week, limiting my portions daily, and only going through a drive-thru for fast food – 1 time a week. I have lost a few pounds. But the biggest difference has been that my blood pressure has dropped over 20 points and I feel AMAZING! I did not realize how lethargic I had been feeling before I started this class. It has really opened my eyes to better eating habits and making smarter life style changes also. I highly recommend to anyone who is interested in feeling better and having more energy. It is the best investment in my health — that I have made in years.
– Lori, a current Eat Smart, Move More, Prevent Diabetes participant
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