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“This program taught me how to live a healthier lifestyle.”

“Although I did not achieve my weight loss goals during the program, I am exercising more than I ever have before. My cholesterol was high before I started the program and now is in the normal range. The reality is that I am healthier now than I was before even though the number on the […]

Funny eggs with different mood faces on a yellow background.

Food and Mood…How do they connect?

Have you ever thought about how the food that we eat can affect our mental health, either positively or negatively?  There has been a lot of research done recently on the connection between food and mood.  As a matter of fact, the Food and Mood project led by several large government agencies is an effort […]

“My instructor’s approach was very reasonable and realistic.”

“This program was fantastic. In my many years of weight loss attempts, I have heard many of these same concepts before, but this class put them in a better perspective and added more details. The sequence of classes is geared toward success. We met frequently upfront to get us started and then were “weaned” off the program […]

“Helped me build healthy habits.”

“By the end of the program, I lost 30 pounds and reduced my A1C. The yearlong program was long enough to help me build healthy habits and stick to them. Now I am always very mindful of what food I buy and eat, how many times I exercise per week, and calorie intake. The guidance […]

Chalkboard with 3D outlined text that reads "have fun"

Having Fun is Good for You!

Who doesn’t like having fun? While everyone may have individual preferences as to what constitutes having fun, research makes one thing clear: having fun is highly beneficial to our physical, mental, and emotional health. Studies have shown how having fun can reduce stress, improve sleep, increase serotonin and endorphins, and keep us moving more, among […]

Overcome Sugar Cravings

There are different reasons we may crave sugar. If we are eating sugar regularly, our bodies expect and, in turn, desire it. When we eat sugar, our brain releases dopamine, the pleasure hormone, making it more likely for us to want more sugar at that moment and later on. Our blood sugar levels also rise […]

3d render direction sign. A yellow arrow pointing up that says All and a red arrow point down that says Nothing.

The All-Or-Nothing Mindset is OUT in 2024

As we enter the time of year when people start thinking about behavior change, I think it’s important to go into these changes realistically. Don’t get me wrong, goals are GREAT! Setting goals is necessary for change and focus. Sticking with and achieving goals is rewarding but it is good to make sure that your […]