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Living Happily Ever After with Oatmeal

As part of my work, I help develop nutrition content for our programs, most recently the Eat Smart, Move More, Prevent Diabetes program.   Whenever I am developing sample menus for breakfast, I naturally include breakfast items that include the three components that are covered in the Start Smart lesson of this program:  whole grain, fruit, […]

Let’s Set Wellness Goals

The holiday season is a very busy time of the year. With different holidays, travel, work deadlines, and shorter days, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed. But are you focusing on your health and wellness through it all? Think about a few ways you could help yourself feel more positive, relaxed, and energized (the […]

I gave up sugar, and this is what happened.

Okay, the title sounds a little extreme. I didn’t give up sugar ENTIRELY. I’m no martyr! But I cut way back on my sugar consumption and my life changed in ways I did not expect. And now I want to share my lessons learned with anyone who will listen. In a recent conversation with a […]

Chicken Stock in an Instant Pot

Store-bought rotisserie chicken is a meal prep wonder in my house. One of my favorite meal prep “tasks” on a weekend afternoon is processing a rotisserie chicken and then making chicken stock in my Instant Pot. I pull out my vegetable scraps from the freezer and a few fresh ingredients to make a flavorful stock. […]

Make Your Own Granola

Overnight oats have gotten a lot of hype in recent years and there is no denying their meal prep-ability. Personally, I prefer granola and fruit with Greek yogurt. Though I find store-bought granola to be rather expensive per serving and it can be nutritionally similar to a candy bar. Homemade granola is tastier, healthier, and […]

Canned Foods—Good for You and Your Wallet

February is American Heart Month and National Canned Food Month. Heart disease continues to be a leading cause of death among Americans. Diet is one of the best ways to prevent and treat chronic diseases. It is important that we include fiber from whole grains, fruits, and vegetables in our daily eating. Eating canned fruits […]

Start Your Morning on the Right Foot

Unless you are an early bird through and through, you might struggle to jump right out of bed ready to tackle the day every single morning. Not to mention the “morning rush” you may experience trying to get your household and yourself out the door. It is time to check in with yourself and evaluate […]

Navigating Plateaus and Setbacks

As you work towards your goals, you may experience plateaus or setbacks. Maybe the number on the scale is not where you want it, or maybe you are not engaging in physical activity as often as you planned. It is frustrating when you feel as if you are moving backward rather than moving forward, but […]

5 Tips for Using Your Freezer to Waste Less Food

Cooking during the pandemic definitely changed how we use the freezer. These 5 tips have been helpful to reduce food waste, reduce meal prep time, and help us use our freezer more effectively. Freezing Food is about Preserving the Quality of the Food Oftentimes you will see the phrases “Best if used by,” “Sell by” […]

Salad Dressing

6 Healthy Homemade Salad Dressings

Part of Eating the Med Way includes choosing olive oil and using herbs and spices. You can use olive oil for cooking, dressings, and marinades. Using herbs and spices in your cooking is a great way to add flavor without adding a lot of salt. Below are 6 delicious salad dressing recipes that are great for […]