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My Go-To Healthy Lunch for the Office

When I am in a rush in the morning…pause, who am I kidding, with a seventh and fourth grader to get out the door with a healthy breakfast in their bellies and a healthy lunch in their backpacks, a dog to walk in the mornings, and a workout for myself, there are not many mornings when I am NOT in a rush.  This hectic morning routine leaves me with only a very few minutes to pack my own healthy lunch and get to work on time.

I have discovered a healthy lunch idea that is super quick and easy and has become my “Go-To Healthy Lunch” more days than not.  It is a black bean and cheese quesadilla. To add some vegetables, I also top this off with a big handful of spinach, when I have some that has not gone bad in my refrigerator.  In an effort to get as much fiber as possible without a lot of extra calories, I have discovered these Ole Mexican Foods Extreme Wellness wraps.  They have only 50 calories, 11 grams of fiber and 0 grams of sugar.  The first ingredient is also 100% whole wheat flour, but most importantly, these wraps taste good!  I simply throw the ingredients into a bowl and heat it in the microwave at work to melt the cheese.  So delicious, quick, and healthy!

healthy lunch


1  Wrap (I like Spinach and Herbs flavors)

½ cup canned black beans (drained and rinsed)

¼ cup shredded cheddar or Colby jack cheese

¼ cup fresh salsa

1 cup spinach (if you have some)

At home

  1. Remove wrap from package and place in a microwave-safe bowl.
  2. Top with cheddar cheese, black beans, salsa, and spinach.

At work

  1. Heat in microwave for one minute.
  2. Fold in half and enjoy!

Nutrition information = 318 calories and 20 grams of fiber.

For other healthy and inexpensive lunch ideas to bring to work, check these out! I am always looking for new ideas, what do you bring to work? Add it in the comments below.

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