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Fall and Winter Fruit: Easy Persimmon Recipes

Persimmons are not as common in the US as other parts of the world, but we have been seeing more of them – which is great! Persimmons ripen in late fall to early winter here, so you’re probably seeing them on the grocery store shelves now. We recently got some in our produce box, so I’ve been looking for a variety of ways to enjoy this tasty fruit.

Persimmons are a good source of many vitamins and micronutrients, particularly vitamin A. They also are an excellent source of antioxidants, which can lower inflammation, reduce blood pressure, and have a positive impact on cholesterol. Finally, persimmons pack a lot of fiber – this makes them more filling than other options which helps with weight maintenance (and fiber helps balance blood sugar levels as well).

Ideas for eating persimmons:

  1. If you really like them, you can eat them just like you would an apple.
  2. Add them to smoothies.
  3. Add them to overnight oats.
  4. Enjoy with Greek yogurt and granola in place of or alongside the usual bananas or berries.
  5. Top salads – anywhere you would use pears or even apples normally, a persimmon will be great as well.

How do you like to enjoy persimmons? Share in the comments below!

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