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Proper Portions

The amount of food we eat is just as – if not more – important as the types of foods we eat when it comes to weight maintenance or weight loss. This is another reason why tracking food intake is critical to weight management. We tend to think we are better at estimating the amount […]

Sample Weekly Workout Plans

With busy schedules, it is not always easy to fit physical activity into our days. The Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans recommend adults strive for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity each week and 2 days of muscle-strengthening activities involving all major muscle groups. Looking at your schedule […]

Don’t Wait, Start Your New Year’s Resolutions Today!

Resolutions should not be reserved solely for the New Year. You can make resolutions or goals at any time of the year. Why not start now, with a holiday season goal: to be the healthiest and best version of yourself during this busy time of the year! Big things happen when we start with small […]

How to Modify Any Workout

There are countless workouts available online, but they likely are not always a perfect fit for you. The good news is you can modify any workout you find! Maybe not yet, but after reading through these tips, you will have the skills to make any workout your own. Start by focusing on the FITT principle […]

Find Your Fitness Connection

Whether you use the word “fitness” or “exercise” or “physical activity” to describe your daily movement, everyone could benefit from a change up to their current routine no matter how small. Some of us really enjoy running or going to the gym, while others find joy in other forms of movement. While there is absolutely […]

How to Manage Holiday Stress

Stress can be a powerful and often unnoticed force in your life. It can influence weight, mental health, quality of sleep, and have effects on blood pressure, heart rate, and the immune system. When chronic stress is present, a hormone called cortisol is released which increases glucose in the bloodstream. This increase in glucose is […]


In-Season Produce to Add to Your Shopping List this Summer

With summer approaching, I am looking forward to longer days, better weather, and seasonal summer fruits and vegetables. Choosing in-season fruits and vegetables is a great way to add variety to your diet and is also a more budget-friendly option than choosing out-of-season produce. While some fruits and vegetables are grown year-round, others are seasonal. […]