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General Questions

Registration and Payment

Class Materials

Getting Started

Help! I can’t login to my online class.

General Questions

Can I attend the class on my smartphone, iPad, or tablet?
Yes! You may attend the class on your computer, laptop, smartphone, iPad or tablet. You are not required to have a microphone or a camera in order to participate in the program. All communication on the participant end is done by typing in the chat box on the screen.

Will I be able to attend class using my computer?
Eat Smart, Move More, Prevent Diabetes Online classes are presented through Zoom. You will need speakers or earbuds to hear your instructor. You will not be seen or heard during class. Participants are not required to have a microphone or a camera in order to participate in the program. All communication on the participant end is done by typing in the screen’s chat box. return to top

Are onsite classes available?
Our onsite classes are typically reserved for a specific community or worksite. If you are interested in the an onsite diabetes prevention programs we recommend this resource to find a program near you in North Carolina:   return to top

Are class sessions recorded?
Yes, all classes are recorded in case you would like to review the lesson again.  You can receive attendance credit if you watch the recording within one week of the class date.    return to top

Can my instructor and classmates see or hear me?
No. Sessions are setup so that only the instructor is seen and heard during the live class. Participants are not required to have a microphone or a camera in order to participate in the program.   return to top

Does my buddy have to be in my class?
Your buddy does not have to be in your class or be a participant in the Eat Smart, Move More, Prevent Diabetes program.  You may, however, find it helpful to have a buddy that is also participating in this program and connect with them online, at work, etc.  return to top

In what time zone are the classes offered?
All classes are offered in Eastern Standard Time (EST, EDT). We offer a range of class times to accommodate participants in other time zones.   return to top

Registration and Payments

Can I attend a class other than the one I am registered for?
You must attend the class session that you select during registration. We recommend selecting a day and time that will work for you a majority of the time. Classes are recorded and make-up attendance can be earned.  return to top

Can I get a refund?
We do not issue refunds once you have completed registration and payment has been processed. Refunds are only issued in the rare event that the class is canceled due to low enrollment. return to top

Can I transfer to another class day/time?
We honor transfer requests provided that there is space available during Week 1 and Week 2 of the program.   return to top

Class Materials

What materials will I receive?
By the second week of the program, you will receive an Eat Smart, Move More, Prevent Diabetes –Phase I program workbook with instructions for completing your beginning/ending measurements. Upon completion of Phase I, materials for Phase II will be mailed to your address entered during registration. Please note that you need to attend a minimum of nine sessions in Phase I in order to be allowed to attend Phase II. Please do not worry if you do not receive your program materials before your first class. Your instructor will review these materials during your first classreturn to top

What measurements will I need to take as part of the program?

  • Weight – You will need to have access to a scale in order to measure your weight each week during the program. Detailed instructions are included in the program packet.
  • Blood Pressure – You will need to have access to a blood pressure cuff (at a local pharmacy, gym, doctor’s office, or your own cuff) in order to record your blood pressure at the beginning and end of the program. Detailed instructions are included in the program packet.
  • Waist Circumference – You will need to have access to a flexible tape measure (similar to what a seamstress uses) in order to record your waist circumference at the beginning and end of the program. Detailed instructions are included in the program packet.
  • A1C – If you have not had a recent A1C test taken within the past three months, as your budget allows we recommend having an A1C test taken at your doctor’s office or by purchasing a test kit at your local pharmacy shortly after the program begins.

Who should I contact if I do not receive my materials?
Please contact if you have not received class materials by the end of the first week of classes. return to top

Getting Started

How do I join the class from my computer?

For detailed instructions, Zoom has created videos to review how to access the class and its features.

  • Click the link in your confirmation email you receive after completing class registration.
  • Your class link and meeting ID# will remain the same for the entire 15-week series. 
  • You will need headphones, earbuds, or speakers to hear the instructor. It is not required for your device to have a microphone or a camera in order to participate in the program. return to top

How do I join the class from my mobile device?

  • Once the app is installed, simply click on the link or enter the meeting ID# in your confirmation email you receive after completing class registration.
  • Click here for detailed instructions to download the Zoom App.
  • If you have any technical issues with the Zoom application, please call (888) 799-9666, option 2 OR submit a request at return to top

You will need headphones, earbuds, or speakers to hear the instructor. You do not need a microphone or a camera in order to participate in the program. return to top

Will my class link and password change each week?
No— your class link and meeting ID# will remain the same for Phase 1 of the program. Phase 2 will have a different Zoom link.  return to top

Are there tutorial videos to teach me how to use Zoom?
Yes – videos are available with instructions on how to use Zoom.   return to top

Help! I can’t log into my online class.

If you have any technical issues with the Zoom application, please call (888) 799-9666, option 2, OR submit a request at   return to top