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Beat the Morning Drag

Every night before I go to bed I use my phone to set my alarm. When I say “set my alarm” I should let you know that I have two sometimes three alarms set for the morning. I do not set three alarms because I cannot wake up, but it is because I want those five more minutes in my warm bed, especially during the winter. I could tell you that by setting three alarms everything works out great, but I would be lying. By setting two or three alarms I am creating my own “morning drag”. The morning drag just does not make it hard to get out of bed, but I feel as if time is inching along, as if I am not prepared to handle any task. My morning drag makes me feel as if I needed to be hooked up to a caffeine drip! My bad habit of not getting up on the first alarm leads to not mentally preparing myself for my day, let alone using my time wisely.

Recently, I have decided to get out of the habit that creates my morning drag. For some people the incentive of coffee is enough to get them up and going in the morning, but for me I have found that I need to dance. I have discovered that I need to put on my favorite music and move! I am sure that I look a bit goofy, but I wake up to dance and I start to feel mentally ready for my day. Beyoncé, The Spice Girls, and Price never fail to get me singing and dancing in the morning! Once I leave my house for work I feel ready and excited for my day rather than dragging along, counting down until I can go back to bed. Not only is dancing good to help me beat the morning drag, but I get to move more!

My advice to those who feel like they get stuck in a morning drag is to try dancing or try anything that gets you moving! Turn on your music or the radio and bust a move!

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